Samsung has announced the latest Galaxy Watch 4 and the Galaxy Watch 4 Classic. This time the smartwatches are running on the WearOS platform instead of Samsung’s own TizenOS. The watch has a lot of features, mainly health-centric like BMI, ECG, BP, sleep tracking and many more. on top of that Samsung has recently partnered with Google, to launch the new revamped WearOS 3.0. Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 series are the first smartwatches to run the latest WearOS 3.0. if you have the galaxy Watch 4 and you are in the region where ECG and BP are locked and you want that feature to work o your smartwatch. Don’t worry we have got you covered, go through the article and you will get to know how to measure ECG and BP on your galaxy Watch 4 in the regions where it is locked or it is not available yet.
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The smartwatch has an AMOLED display and Samsung claims a battery life of around 40 hours. The Galaxy Watch 4 classic has a physical rotating bezel, while the normal Galaxy Watch 4 has a touch bezel similar to what we have seen on the Galaxy Watch active. The latest smartwatch has Google Play support, which means you get all the apps from the WearOS while having the One UI skin and features on top of it. Currently, it is one of the best smartwatches in the market for Android users. Since this time Samsung has locked it only for Android users and there is no compatibility with any iOS devices.
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How To Measure ECG and BP on Galaxy Watch 4 In Locked Region
- First, you need to download the ADB and fastboot it on your Windows computer from the link.
- Set it up and once you are done, open the Minimal and ADB fastboot which you just installed.
- Now, download the APK of the Samsung health monitor app (Watch 4 SHM APK) for your Galaxy Watch 4 from here.
- Once you have downloaded the app copy it to the ADB folder where you have installed it.
- Disconnect the Bluetooth (optional) and connect the watch to the same WIFI network as your computer.
- Now, on your watch go to settings config -> about -> tap the software version until it says “Developer mode turned on.
- Head to the settings again and then scroll down to the developer’s option, tap on it.
- Inside the developer, the option enables ADB and ADB Wi-Fi toggles.
- Once you enable it you should see an IP address, write down the IP that you see under ADB Wi-Fi. (if you do not see it, go back to connections then Wi-Fi and then the wi-fi you are connected to, there should be an IP below it, if not, go back to developer options and check ADB Wi-Fi)
- Now, open the ADB and fastboot that you just downloaded, or simply navigate to the ADB folder where you have installed it, and then in the empty space press shift and then right-click. From the drop-down menu click on the command prompt.
- Once you have opened the command prompt inside the ADB start typing the commands below.
- start the ADB Server by killing it first to be safe no ADB instance is running: adb kill-server
- Then type: adb start-server
- Connect to the watch, replace IP with the number you got from the Watch4, type: adb connect <IP> (here you need to write the IP Address).
- Install MOD SHM, type: adb -s <IP> install Watch 4 shm.apk
- Disconnect from ADB:adb disconnect.
- Now, install the Phone companion app of the Samsung health monitor app from the link.
- that’s it you can see a new app should be installed on your galaxy Watch 4, which will be used to measure ECG and BP from your Watch.
Note- Make sure that once you have finished the above steps, you disable the ADB and ADB WIFI toggles, and then
further disable the developer options, by going to config and then clicking several times again on the software
version. It will give a prompt.
Final Verdict
So this was an extensive guide on how to set up the ECG and BP measuring on your Galaxy Watch 4 in the countries where Samsung have not enabled it yet. The Watch does support the hardware, but it’s the software that is locked, using the above method we have successfully bypassed the region lock by Samsung for measuring the ECG. Do note that, measuring ECG using your watch can be inaccurate as well, so do not rely on the ECG of your watch, if you have health issues or want to get your ECG checked on a medical level, consult a doctor.