Another year and another new smartwatch are launched by Samsung. The Galaxy Watch 5 and Watch 5 Pro are launched running on One UI watch 4.5. The watch comes with some minor iterative upgrades from the previous year’s model. For the most part, both watches remain the same. However, some new watch faces also launched with the Galaxy Watch 5. These watch faces are currently exclusive to Galaxy Watch 5 only. If you are rocking a Galaxy Watch 4 and want to try those new watch faces, then here is a tutorial on How To Get Galaxy Watch 5 Watch face on Galaxy Watch 4 series.
How To Get Galaxy Watch 5 Watch face on Galaxy Watch 4
XDA Member niff2005 has extracted the APK files for five new Galaxy Watch 5 watch faces from the firmware, and you can sideload them on your Galaxy Watch 4 using ADB. So, below is the tutorial on how you can install the APK of the Galaxy Watch 5 watch faces on the Galaxy Watch 4.
Make sure to download the watch face APK from here. Then unzip it into a folder.
How To Install Galaxy Watch 5 Watch face APK On Galaxy Watch 4 Via ADB
- Make sure your computer has ADB set up already, if not then you can download it from here.
- Once, you have downloaded the platform tools, extract it anywhere on your computer.
- Copy and paste the APK you want to install on your watch inside the platform tools folder.
- The APK can be found inside the zip file of the watch face that you downloaded.
- Inside the platform-tools folder type cmd on the address bar.
- You will see a terminal window opened up. Type adb devices and press enter to start the ADB services.
- Now, on your smartwatch, make sure it is connected to the same wifi network as your computer.
- Go to settings of your smartwatch >>About Watch >> Software >> Tap 7 times on the software version.
- You will get a toast notification that Developers mode is turned on.
- Now, go back to settings and scroll to the bottom to find the developer mode, click on it.
- Inside that, scroll down a bit and enable ADB Debugging. Confirm by pressing on the tick mark.
- Next, you need to enable Debug over WIFI, after enabling this, wait for a few seconds to see an IP address written below this option. Note it down on the notepad of your computer.
- Now, on your computer inside the terminal window type adb connect (IP Address that you noted) and press enter. Instantly check your smartwatch to give the WIFI Debugging permission to your computer, tap on Always allow from this computer.
- To install the Watchface type the command
adb -s "IP address" install filename.apk
and press enter. Wait for a few seconds for the installation to finish.
- That’s it, you have successfully installed the Galaxy Watch 5 watch face on your Galaxy Watch 4.
- Once you have installed it, make sure to disconnect your watch from the ADB by typing the command
adb disconnect
- Don’t forget to turn off the wireless adb debugging from the developer options and turn off the developer mode the same way you enabled it.
A very handy feature, for those who want to try an app that is regionally locked. You can try sideloading the apk from the apkmirror since it won’t be showing up for you on the Google Play store. You can also try to install Gpay on your smartwatch in those regions where it isn’t available officially. Here is a detailed guide on how to install and use Google Pay on the WearOS smartwatch using ADB.