On 7 September 2022 Apple announced its latest iPhone 14 series. This time Apple has ditched the Mini line-up with a plus. So, now we have iPhone 14, 14 Plus and then the Pro lineup with iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max. All of these smartphones are very beautiful and come in great colours. Along with that these iPhones have launched with the latest iOS 16 and come with some new great-looking wallpapers. Below we have extracted for you to download the iPhone 14 wallpapers. All of them are in high quality and can be applied on any smartphone.
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The iPhone 14 series comes with a bunch of new features, while a lot of them are exclusive to the Pro series, but here is a quick brief about what is new.
- A16 Bionic in the iPhone 14 Pro series.
- iOS 16 on iPhone 14 across the lineup.
- 4K cinematic mode
- Dynamic island pill cutout for the front camera on iPhone 14 pro and Pro Max.
- A new Always on Display for iPhone 14 Pro series. ( Finally!!)
- The peak brightness of 2000 Nits on iPhone 14 Pro.
Below we have a preview of all four wallpapers of the iPhone 14 series, You can have a look before you download the wallpapers in high quality from the link provided below.
Download iPhone 14 Wallpapers
Below is the link to the Google Drive for iPhone 14 wallpapers in high quality. there are a total of 4 different wallpapers. More will be added soon.
You can download the wallpapers and apply them on any of the older iPhones, or any other Android smartphones. you can also apply it on laptops, but there can be some aspect ratio issues, so make sure to fix it before you apply it on your desktop computers.